Industry Job Form

Founded with the mission to raise awareness, self-determination and autonomy in the use of new technologies, JUST Open Source aims to build more fair, planet-wide networks of people that do not rely on force and violence in any form to operate.

We would therefore like to offer our network to skilled engineers (regardless of their ethnicity or tech stack background/experience) from conflict-affected regions as an opportunity to escape a humanitarian crisis, using our platform to connect with organisations and teams so our tech stack can continue helping the world organise and strive for democratic processes.

We cannot guarantee you will find employment this way. We cannot guarantee that your new workplace will be speaking your mother tongue. We can offer a platform where organisations can find you, we can open up our network to individuals interested in working for the best projects in the field and connect you with those companies willing to offer relocation and the support you might need: regardless of your nationality or ethnicity.

If you are interested, please complete the form below and we will make your information available to the companies involved in the project via this website. Please note that we are always striving to include new companies in the project. A list of the partner organisations can be found on this page, along with our data processing policy. To delete your data, please contact us to


- Web3 Foundation: nurturing cutting-edge applications for decentralized web software protocols and delivering Web 3.0, a decentralized and fair internet where users control their own data, identity and destiny - Find Web3 Foundation's privacy policy here.

- Parity Technologies Deutschland GmbH: Parity is a core blockchain infrastructure company: the team is developing an open-source creative commons that will enable people to create better institutions through technology. Find Parity Technologies' privacy policy here.

- BOTLabs GmbH: founded by Ingo Rübe and the German publishing house Hubert Burda Media, BOTLabs is the team behind KILT Protocol, a blockchain protocol for issuing self-sovereign, anonymous, revocable, verifiable credentials and decentralised identifiers. Find the company's privacy policy here.

- Grid Singularity: Grid Singularity is an awarded, open-source energy technology startup enabling peer-to-peer and community exchange, with the objective to democratize and optimize the energy markets. It is also the co-founder of the Energy Web Foundation, the global energy industry consortium for blockchain-based innovations. Find the company's privacy policy here.

If you want to join this initiative as a partner (as well as for general enquiries) — please reach out to Please note that Just Open Source reserves the right to pre-screen partners under it's solitary discretion; we won't be able to comment our decisions in all cases.

Deutschland und Berlin: Hub für DLT Projekte?

28. April 2022 – 15 bis 20 Uhr

Ein wissenschaftliches Diskussionsforum zu der Bedeutung und Entwicklung von Deutschland (Berlin) als führender Standort für DLT und Blockchain Entwicklungen.

Gegenstand des Austausches sollen DLT basierten Entwicklungen inn realwirtschaftlichen und finanzwirtschaftlichen Sektor sein. Die damit zusammenhängenden relevanten regulatorischen und steuerlichen Rahmenbedingen sollen kritisch beleuchtet und konstruktiv diskutiert werden. Dabei sollen auch politische Handlungsfelder und Maßnahmen für wirtschaftliche und unternehmerische Perspektiven von DLT Projekten identifiziert werden.

AXICA - Kongress und Tagungszentrum
Pariser Platz 3
10117 Berlin

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